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Jan 17, 2025
I've wanted to write this email for a few years now, but I always hesitated as what I'm about to share with you can be used for the best of intentions and at the worst of intentions.
It will give you the power to do a lot of good in the world and yet, at the same time, become the darkest of dark lords.
This was one of the first things I taught in Fast Forward 3 or so years ago and then in NHB+ a year ago.
And we've had people bring back completely dead emails, offers, ads using this...
Most went on to use it for good in the game and make millions and it breaks my heart to say that we had a few rotten apples become massive dark lords (who made 10s of millions) from learning how all this works, who I kicked out of Fast Forward as soon as I saw the course of their development, hence my hesitation to write this for some years now.
The temptation of the dark side of the game can be far too great, hence why I rarely share this level of stuff in public, because you never know where it will end up.
So all that I ask you is to use it for good and not to take advantage of others using your newfound powers that I'm giving you.
They say you can't create desire and that you can only channel it.
They're wrong.
Because they don't know how desire works in the mind, and once you know how and why it works, it becomes very easy to create desire, but not in a way you think, not directly, but rather indirectly.
In order to create desire, we must know what desire is in the first place.
For us to desire something, it must mean that we are missing something.
This is why, externally, desire manifests as needs and wants.
Why does anyone buy anything if not for a need or a want? Hence, the value of desire for us as marketers.
We are aware of what we want and what we need.
The reason we are aware is because this is external, or one can say conscious or at a level of awareness.
When something is in our conscious mind and we become aware of it, there is a reflection of this, and hence why we can see it. It's akin to looking at a mirror, we can recognize it.
This recognition, if dwelled on long enough and put into motion and associated with our future self, becomes expectation, and expectation is the seed of all emotions, good and bad.
Now, as desire is reflected outside as a need and want, what is inside, and what is the seed of desire to give life to desire in the first place? What creates it?
If we want and need something, then by default, we LACK something.
Therefore, in order to have desire in the first place, one must LACK beforehand.
And while we can't DIRECTLY create desire, we can indirectly create it by directly focusing on lack.
The more they lack, the more desire, the more they want and need it and the more they buy it.
See how that works?
So once it can create lack, sprinkle a bit of emotion around it, and that seed will quickly grow into desire.
And just like that, boom, magic, now we can create desire.
Now, the question becomes, how the hell do you create lack? Where does THAT come from?
Well, it's simple because most desire is memetic in nature, which means to look at what others have, have done, achieved, etc., and thus we compare.
The ego, the surface level of the mind, learns first through DIFFERENCE and THEN SIMILARITIES.
This nature of learning through difference is where it compares all the time.
Hence, the expression "comparison is a thief of joy", because creates that lack, which in turn creates desire.
So, all we have to do is simply compare and contrast in our copy and show them what's been done, how it's been done, what's possible, and all that fun stuff, and then, not only SHOW them, but also PROVE to them how they LACK that something and hence they are not what they want to be.
And now, the mind, once you layer in the four core drivers that I spoke of before, survival, reproduction, safety/security and status and how this comparison relates to that and it's done, within a few minutes, sometimes within a few hours or a few days, desire will emerge.
This thing they lack then has to be directly connected to what you sell and then they will now DESIRE whatever it is that you sell.
This was one of the first thing I taught in Fast Forward 3 or so years ago and then in NHB+ a year ago.
And we've had people bring back completely dead emails, offers, ads using this...
...and others 3-5x their conversion rates once they started pushing the lack mechanism as outlined above, which created desire.
You can use this to not only create desire but to also amplify it beyond comprehension.
Use this for good, use it to help people and use it to better the world.
More to come, and more than you can imagine.
Oh, and one more thing, what the good people of in NHB+ / FF are doing is taking this concept and using ChatGPT and other A.I. tools to really dig into the various lacks based on age, demo, location, and situation to know where to focus on it.
Once you play with that, you'll be transported to a whole other universe where the magic is real.
Have an great weekend,
P.S. Soon, I'm going to show you things that are incomprehensible to the best of the best copywriters, marketers, and gurus.
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